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The Home of Live Music (again)

March 21, 2023

Last Month’s line up of gigs and events was nothing short of a good time. A slew of up’n’coming and established acts have joined Yonder’s alumni of those who have graced the stage over the years. 

Some of Dunedins finest, L Hotel with Jam Henderson rounded out the end of January in a stellar display of Indie rock talent. Their live show brought a welcomed bit of grit to the surf rock genre. Frontman Jono Everts vocal work brought a unique pulse to the live performance – orchestrating the tempo and tone for the 4 piece band and oh-boy you could feel it in the room. The Yonder crowd was in for the journey wherever it took them.

Following this we had what was arguably the staff’s (and my personal) most anticipated live show in a while, The Grogans. Clocking nearly half a million monthly streams on Spotify, the Melbourne trio were fresh off the back of a sold out Aotearoa tour in 2022 and you could tell Queenstown was itching for their debut in town. The free event had a line down the block from the moment it started. The energy was something else, as the band flowed between mellow classics ‘Lemon to my Lime’ and ‘Money Will Chase You’ to garage rock staple ‘Washed Out’ the Yonder Punters were moshing, cheering and dancing with everything they threw at them. It was a night for the core memory bank.

Our new venue manager, Sam, even managed to snag a signed record from the boys as a memento to the evening. 

Closing out the summer run of bands we had up-and-comers Pretty Stooked with their ‘Day Today‘ EP launch tour. Arguably the biggest surprise of the month, the Christchurch 5 piece left an unexpected impression on both Yonder staff and crowd alike. Their emotive lyrics and impeccable stage presence, lead from frontman Eddie Kiesanowski, took the crowd on an indie rock journey. In a few years time you will head Queenstown locals subtly flexing, ‘yea I remember watching them on the Yonder Stage.’

Now, we don’t want you spewing about missing out on any shows at Yonder, so keep up to date on our social channels for all upcoming gigs.

Online booking is available for groups of 4 or more


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